Archive for May, 2017

Has Your WordPress Website Been Hacked? – Read This Now!

Has Your WordPress Website Been HackedIt's a good question! Has your WordPress website been hacked? You may suspect it, but how do you know? Must you pay for a security assessment? Well, you can, but first, I'd use a free tool to check out your site.

That way, if it says your website is compromised, you know then that you absolutely need to take action.

If it says it's clear, it probably is. No guarantees, but it's a good sign.

So what tool should you use?

Recommended Website Scanner

The one I recommend to my clients to use initially is Sucuri's site scanner. It's quick and it's free.

Is it as thorough as a full site audit by a security specialist? No, but you may as well run it first.

Here it is:

To use it, click on the link, then type in the URL (web address) of your website into the box. In a few moments, you'll get back the result.

This will show you whether the scanner has detected any malware on your site. But it will also whether your site is blacklisted by any search engines.

What To Do If It's Clear

If the scanner shows it's clear, then unless you strongly suspect it's infected, you can rest easy.

What To Do If There is Malware

If hackers have infected your site with malware, my first advice is to restore from your last known good backup. Then I'd see about hardening the security around your site. I would recommend:

  1. Installing the WordFence security plugin with its firewall.
  2. Keeping your WordPress version, your theme and all your plugins updated to the latest level
  3. Using hard to guess passwords for your WordPress admin user.
  4. Changing the username of your admin user from 'admin'.

If you don't have a robust backup process in place, then get one as a matter of urgency. Having a viable set of backups can mean the difference between a little inconvenience and having no website at all. This has happened to people I know - they lost everything.


If you worry about your website and hacking, run the free Sucuri scanner. If you have any questions after doing this, contact me for a chat:



WordPress Security – Implementing The WordFence Plugin

Here's a quick post about WordPress security. Not all steps you take to enhance your WordPress security are going to cost a lot. This one is free, and I use this same plugin, WordFence, on all my sites and my clients' sites.

If you've not used WordFence before, here's where to find the plugin, how to install it and how to configure it.

It's straightforward - just follow the steps in this video below. Of course, implementing a free security plugin should not give you the impression that's all you need to do. But it is a great start.

If you'd like more protection - for example, to keep your WordPress code, themes and all your plugins updated, go here for more information:




WordPress Security 101 – What Every WordPress Site Owner Must Know

WordPress Security 101WordPress Security 101

Why WordPress Security 101? Are you worried about WordPress security? If you're a WordPress website owner, you'll know your website is your shop-window on the world.

These days every entrepreneur needs a secure, reliable website. It's vital that this resource is available to your prospects and clients around the clock.

But how many of these websites are vulnerable to attacks by hackers?

WordPress Security 101

What is the most fundamental thing about WordPress security? The problem I see is that way too many website owners just don't realise how vulnerable their sites are. I do - I see the results of their attempts to hack every day. And I'm sure if people saw what I see, they'd take action. If you can't see the problem, you're not going to be able to respond to it.

Your Site Is Under Attack

The reality is that websites are constantly under attack. Just look at what happened to Renault, Deutsche Bahn and the UK's NHS last week! Entire systems were taken down by the WannaCry worm.

And if large companies with their resources suffer attacks like this, where does that leave entrepreneurs? So awareness is the first prerequisite. Then there's the need to take action.

Entrepreneurs! Protect Your Websites!

Most entrepreneurs use WordPress for their websites. And that's great - it's flexible, cheap and standard. And there are loads of skilled people to help you with it. But owning a website comes with obligations. If you don't keep your website code up to date, you risk hackers taking control of your site.

The message is clear. If you use WordPress, it - and ALL your plugins - need to be up to date - or you risk hackers taking your site down. You could lose everything. Literally.

And how would that impact your business - and your reputation?

Discover About Protection Now

If you don't have protection against hacking, click on the graphic below to discover more now.
Or just Click Here:



Secure Your WordPress Website Against Hackers – What Every WordPress Site Owner Needs To Know

Are You a WordPress Website Owner?

secure your WordPress websiteAre you concerned about your systems' security? Then secure your WordPress website against hackers! If you're not sure your site is secure, you might like to read on ...

You've probably seen the news this week.

Security for your website and your home computer has been all over the news this week. Many well-known organisations' systems - like the NHS, Telefonica, Renault, Deutsche Bahn and FedEx  - suffered with the WannaCry worm. This left users with their data encrypted and inaccessible.

Worse - hackers left ransom demands demanding money to decrypt the data.

But it's not just the money demanded by hackers.

Your business - like the ones I mentioned - may suffer irreparable damage to its reputation. And with your systems being unavailable to clients and prospects, your business may suffer from a dip in transactions. You may be unable to sell your products or services. You may even need to start afresh.

So What Can You Do?

You need to secure your WordPress website against hackers. But, perhaps, like many, you struggle with specifically how to secure your website. I mean, just where do you start?

There is one simple thing you can do - keep your website code updated to the latest level.

But just how do you do that?

Secure Your WordPress Website

Well, I've written a short article which shows what you can do. It throws light some light on critical aspects of WordPress security you must be aware of. It covers what you need to keep updated. What you need to concentrate on to keep the hackers at bay.

It may help you with getting the protection you need so that hackers are less likely to trouble you.

For More, Click Here Now

Click On The Link or Graphic Below Now More WordPress security information: