Archive for the ‘PowerPoint videos’ Category

Create PowerPoint Videos – Your Frequently Asked Questions

create powerpoint videos

FAQ About How To Create PowerPoint Videos

Here are some frequently asked questions about how to create PowerPoint videos.

Q: Can I really make videos just with PowerPoint?

A: Yes!

Q: Really, nothing else?

A: No.

Q: What, no video editing package like Camtasia?

A: Nope. Just PowerPoint alone.

Why Should You Create PowerPoint Videos?

Q: OK, but why? What's the point of PowerPoint videos anyway?

  1. They are fast to create.
  2. They look professional.
  3. You can create them yourself - so there's no paying for video production or an editor.

Q: OK, so you can do them and they're quick - what else?

A: They can get your message over in a highly professional way.

You don't have to worry about lighting, or how you look.

Q: Does it have to be PowerPoint - what about OpenOffice, Google Drive/Docs or Apple Keynote?

A: If you use PowerPoint, you can create videos with no video editing software at all. I gather Keynote on Macs allows you to do something similar, although I don’t use it myself.

With Google Drive/Docs and OpenOffice you will need Camtasia or a similar video editing application in addition.

Q: Can I still edit the video in Camtasia?

A: Yes, absolutely. Once you've created your video you can import it into Camtasia and edit away to your heart’s content.

Q: So what's the benefit of not using a video editing package?

A: Video editing can take a huge amount of time. Just using PowerPoint allows you to quickly design, create and output a video ready for your website or video sharing site. KISS - Keeping It Simple, Stupid! works to remove the complexity and hence cost. So you can make more videos in the same time.

Q: Can I upload my PowerPoint video to YouTube?

A: Absolutely.

Q: What about to Facebook?

A: Yes indeed. And Vimeo and Pinterest and any other video sharing site.

Q: Do I need a special version of PowerPoint?

A: All versions from PowerPoint 2010 have the Create a Video function. The more recent versions have more useful video functionality. The PowerPoint in Office 365 is really good for creating videos.

Q: Is it hard - I'm not really techie at all ...

A: If you can create slides and record your voice, you can create videos with PowerPoint.

I’ve even got a link to a free training for you. It shows you how to create videos without a camera – with just PowerPoint. It’s delivered by Lon Naylor and Michelle Schoen – the people who trained me. They will show you step by step. They're great teachers.

So this way, on this FREE training, you get to follow them step by step.

Next Steps

Check out How To Create Quick & Easy Killer Videos With PowerPoint. Just click here:


The Key Question About Videos With PowerPoint Your Competitors Know That You Don’t!

videos with powerpointAre you an entrepreneur? Do you need to more exposure for your business, but you feel like your competitors are gaining ground?

Silly question really - we all need effective promotion, don't we?

But do you have questions about creating videos - or maybe you need some new tools to help you?

Well look no further! Because this article will give you the answers to the questions you need as an entrepreneur.

And that's without you having to create videos the expensive way to promote your business.

Best of all, these points will put you on the fast-track to video with PowerPoint success.

Before we start, I have an important question for you. In terms of creating video ...

What's The Biggest Money WASTER Most People Spend Money On - And Shouldn't?

When entrepreneurs think about video they generally think about big-budget shoots with multiple cameras and lighting. They think about sets, makeup and direction. They think about endless video editing and budgets running into the high hundreds if not thousands.

Then they get depressed and write off video as a means to promote their business. It’s just too expensive for a small business, isn’t it?

Here's What You Need To Understand About Video

There are ways to create a professional video that promotes your business without breaking the bank. The key thing is to understand that everything that I’ve listed above is just not necessary. You don’t need all that expense to create a video. That setup is fine for a large company with a huge marketing budget.

But it’s not really feasible for a small business. But there's good news ...

Can You Really Create Professional Videos Cheaply?

Yes, you can. You can create videos with PowerPoint. And as you can create them cheaply and quickly, you can create more of them and simply dominate your market.

Cost here is the killer, and the way to deal with it is to strip out all the costly elements. So get rid of the video editing to start with – that will halve the costs. Get rid of the hired video cameras and operators, the sound recordist and the lighting.

So What Are You Left With?

You’re left with you and your message. You talking to your target market. With no distractions. You’ll find your message comes across with nothing else to draw their attention away. Your market will prefer it, as you get straight to the point.

Here's What You Do With This

The first thing to do is to write down what you want to say in your video. Type it all out. You can use Word or Google Drive. Write it by hand if you prefer - it will be short enough to do that.

Keep it short and to the point. I always start with the Call To Action – what you want them to do after watching your video. Because that's the whole point of the video, isn't it?

Then write the video script backwards – your solution to their problem, then their problem itself. Then stop. That’s it.

Now Use Your Message In Videos With PowerPoint

Now create a slide deck in PowerPoint that contains your message to your audience. Once you've created the PowerPoint slides, you're all set - you just need the steps to create a video. And I've got you covered for that!

This represents just a summary of the key things entrepreneurs need have in mind when it comes to creating videos. With the consequences of ignoring this advice ranging from weeks of wasted effort to throwing tons of money out the window. So take the time to educate yourself on what is important to get more exposure for your business.

And try out the first steps as I've described.

Next Steps - Free Training

When you have your script and your slides, you’ll need to create a video out of it. Here’s where this FREE online training comes in.

Friends of mine have just released their FREE online training - How To Create Killer Videos With PowerPoint. It’s  about how any entrepreneur can get more exposure for your business! You can grab it FREE here or click on the graphic below.

ps Lon & Michelle taught me how to create videos with PowerPoint, and I recommend this FREE training unreservedly. You'll love it.