Archive for the ‘Profit Dashboard’ Category

(Red alert) Don’t trade one job for another

profit-dashboard300-250Have you ever heard advice like this?

Pursue your passion and the money will follow

Spend a couple of years writing a book (yuck)

Just setup a squeeze page and the money will roll in

Serve a real marketplace need and you'll have all the money you'd ever need

Just get your message out there

Technically, that is all correct advice. But haven't you heard that advice at least 10-20 times? Aren't those just 25 second "canned response" sound bytes that sound good but don't mean much?

It's like the Wizard of Oz ... you're impressed until you see the man behind the curtain ...

I've got tired of hearing the old advice:

  • choose a niche
  • follow your passion
  • build it and they will come
  • go big or go home

Did any of this work for you? I wanted to find out if it was really possible to:

  • put in just an hour or so a day and that's it
  • start completely over from scratch (not use my existing list)
  • create a full time income out of thin air

BECAUSE... many entrepreneurs (sadly) trade in a £6,000 (or more) per month job with included health insurance, pension, travel expenses and moving expenses ...

But when they make an "attempt" to work from home, they put in 12 hour days just to eek out £1,000 a month, and that's before 20% self-employment taxes, no more pension, all that extra admin... and they've now traded a six figure income for a minimum wage income, without even realising it!

Don't be another statistic. Don't trade one "J.O.B." for another... just check this out instead:

Profit Dashboard