Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category

Pimp Your Blog Today!

makeover your blog

Let Me Ask You a Question ...

Do you have a WordPress website? With a blog? Do you actually use it to enhance your business? Do you need to pimp your blog?

Let's face it - WordPress is great. It's just so easy to set up, to use and to update.

WordPress is flexible, reliable and it allows you to promote your services to anyone online. So it's not a wonder that more than 26% of the world's websites use WordPress.

But There's a Problem ...

I see so many entrepreneurs' blogs. But the last time they were updated them was months - sometimes years - ago. Really - what is that saying to your prospects? How can they be expected to investigate your services if one of your prime vehicles for communication and promotion is that out of date?

Your prospects are likely to think that you don't offer those services any more. And who would blame them?

Is There a Solution?

The answer is to have up to date content on your blog.

1. Write Fresh Content!

You could put that right by writing content for your blog, couldn't you? It doesn't all have to be 750 word articles. Some can be short.

So write some fresh content! It's not too hard. But is just having up to date content enough? The short answer is no. You want two other things too.

2. Get Found By Search Engines

You want your target market - your prospects - to find your content easily! And that involves making it visible to the search engines. That means Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO. And no, this needn't cost a fortune, and you can actually do it yourself.

3. Post On Social Media

Then you may want the millions of people on social media to find your content as well. This is a vast market. But are you reaching them right now?

You could discover how to do these three things yourself. Although that may take you a while.

But I've done that hard work for you. So if you have a WordPress blog that needs more new content, you want your target market to find that content, let me show you how. I'll show you step by step how to pimp your blog. And it won't cost a penny.

Pimp Your Blog!

I've created a FREE online training just for you.

To discover how you can makeover your blog, simply click the link below. This will take you to my FREE Blogging For Profit online training. You'll discover how exactly to pimp your blog. Step by step. Click it now and discover how to create content quickly and make it easy for your target market to find it. free webinar shows you how to pimp your blog.

What are you waiting for - it's free! Click the link or click on the graphic below:


Are You Making This Killer Mistake With Your Blog?

Do me a quick favour - have a look at your blog now. When was it last updated?

Really? That long ago?

Don't be embarrassed. So many solo entrepreneurs like you have their blog articles way out of date. But the trouble is, it all impacts on getting more traffic, leads and clients. And as you know, no clients means no income.

So What's The Solution?

Well, you could always write more blog posts. Sit in front of your screen and compose several articles for your target market. How do you feel about that? Does that fill you with dread?

Is There Another Way?

Luckily there is. I can help you to create your blog articles the easy way. No writing, just you answering questions from me, It's as easy as that. There's no real effort on your part. I do all the hard work for you, but the articles are in your voice.

Say goodbye to not knowing how to how to get more traffic, leads and clients and say hello to your blog makeover success.

Click on the link below now to discover more about how to makeover your blog.


Blogging For Profit FREE Online Training


FREE Blogging For Profit Online Training

Discover how to profit from your WordPress site - by blogging.

You have an unique set of skills and experiences. People WILL want to learn from you IF you share your experience with you. But what's the best way to do it? What should you avoid?

A friend of mine says that there are more people who can ONLY hear your content from you than you can ever get through in a lifetime. Don't underestimate yourself. Share your content. Join me on on my 'better than paid' training.

This FREE WordPress plugin online training shows you:

  • How to create your own unique content
  • How to SEO your content
  • How to leverage your content
  • ... and a great deal more ...

Get IMMEDIATE access to your FREE online training: click here now.








FREE Blogging For Profit Online Training

FREE Blogging For Profit Online Training

Discover how to profit from your WordPress site - by blogging.

You have an unique set of skills and experiences. People WILL want to learn from you IF you share your experience with you. But what's the best way to do it? What should you avoid?

A friend of mine says that there are more people who can ONLY hear your content from you than you can ever get through in a lifetime. Don't underestimate yourself. Share your content. Join me on on my 'better than paid' training.

This FREE WordPress plugin online training shows you:

  • How to create your own unique content
  • How to SEO your content
  • How to leverage your content
  • ... and a great deal more ...

Get IMMEDIATE access to your FREE online training: click here now.








Three Steps To Online Profits With a WordPress Blog

Three Steps To Online Profits With a WordPress BlogWould you like to discover the Three Steps To Online Profits With a WordPress Blog?

Got a WordPress blog? Is it languishing for want of fresh content? Was the last time you updated it when dinosaurs ruled the earth? Want to change that?

First of all, relax. Even if you've not updated your blog in ages, it's actually quite simple. There are three main steps - and they're easy. Just read on and get ready to put the steps into place.

Step One - Get Yourself a WordPress Blog

You need the self-hosted version of WordPress, not the one you get from To use the self-hosted WordPress, you’ll need hosting – preferably hosting that makes it easy to install WordPress. If you need hosting – or need WordPress installing - just ask me, as I provide professional hosting solutions. Contact me at [email protected]

Why Self-Hosted WordPress?

You need self-hosted WordPress for a variety of reasons. One important one is the ability to add plugins. These are the pieces of code that add functionality to your website. You can only add them to self-hosted WordPress, not

These do everything from playing your videos online, to protecting you from hackers, to getting you found in the search engines.

Step Two - Start Blogging

Every WordPress site comes with a blog. Indeed, WordPress started as simply a blog. So you can start writing blog articles right away. It's already set up for you.

Now you need to create blog posts – your content. Sign in to your WordPress site and you are taken to your Dashboard. From the menu on the left hand side, go to Posts and click Add New.

In standard WordPress, Posts can contain text articles, audios, videos or images, or a combination of all three. Give your blog Post a title, then just start typing text. Press Publish and it's available online.

Step Three - SEO Your Content

You want your prospects to find your new content, don’t you?  Then you need to SEO it – perform Search Engine Optimisation on it so that it’s easy for the search engines to find. Luckily this is a whole lot easier than it used to be.

In the Plugins section of your Dashboard, click on Add New and search for ‘Yoast SEO’. Install this plugin. It’s free, and better than SEO plugins that I have previously paid for!

If you follow the directions in the plugin, it will guide you through optimising any blog Post. You need to know what keywords are relevant to your market, of course. But I’m assuming here that you have done (or got someone to do) some keyword research for you.

Three Steps To Online Profits With a WordPress Blog

There you have the three steps to online profits with a WordPress blog. To recap:

  1. Get yourself a self-hosted WordPress blog
  2. Start blogging - add your content and
  3. SEO your content

Now that I’ve outlined the three steps to online profits with your WordPress blog, what should you do next? You have a choice – if you have enough information, you can just go ahead and start executing each of these three steps in order.

You may be interested in a free online training I’ve recorded that will assist you to action these three steps. My training also goes into steps 2 and 3 in quite some detail. And it's free. Just go here to reserve your place on my free online training: Blogging For Profit – And I’ll see you there.



Free Online Training: Blogging For Profit

blogging for profitBlogging For Profit Online Training

Do you have a WordPress website? Got a blog? Do you use it to enhance your expert status? How about to sell your products and services?

Sadly, so many blogs are unloved. Updated so infrequently that no-one visits them any more. Many see the effort involved in creating content is just too much.

That's sad, as I believe that your unique experiences give you a position that many people just don't have. People will gladly read and listen to your insights. You just have to give them your unique content.

Discover how on my brand new online training, available now.

Training Description

This free online training will cover:
1. Blogging fundamentals
2. The need for content
3. How to create content - fast
4. How to leverage your content

Where and When

From the comfort of your own home ...

Reserve Your Place Here

Click on the link to reserve your place on this online training:


Blog Owner’s Step By Step Guide To Content Marketing Success

content marketingDo you want success in content marketing? Or do you just want to know the 3 steps every blog owner needs for more traffic, visibility, leads and sales?

If you're a blog owner who wants the proven steps to more traffic, visibility, leads and sales but don't know how to start then you need to read this immediately to take your blog posting to the next level.

Step No. 1: Establish What Your Market Really Wants

What is the step?

The first step is to determine exactly what your market wants. Not even what they need. What they want.

Why is it important?

This step is vital because if you're slogging your guts out writing material that your market is not interested in, they never visit your site! Or if they do, it will only be once.

Top Tool Tip

Here's a top  tip to help you better establish what your market really wants. You need to know what your market is actively searching for. Think about roads for a second. People on a road are heading for a destination. You need to be aware of that destination.

And, crucially, you see more traffic if you're on a motorway rather than on a country road. So you want to get in front of lots of traffic going in the direction you want.

But how do you determine what their destination is?

Here's where my tip - actually two tips come in. Most people recommend the Google Keyword Tool. And I use it, it's free, and it's great. But some people can find it a bit intimidating.

For those people, I recommend a really simple to use tool called FreshKey. This is cheap and will run on Mac and PC. It examines Google (and Amazon and eBay and other sites if you're interested) and returns the most searched for keyword phrases.

If you type in, say, 'content marketing', it will list the most commonly searched phrases, in rank order, that contain the keyword 'content marketing'.

Now you've done your keyword research, you're ready to use it - and that's where my next tip comes in ...

Step No. 2: Create Compelling Content Titles

What is the step?

Have a look at the keyword phrases you got from FreshKey. Pick one of the top ranked ones, and create an article title out of it.

Why is it important?

This step is important because it starts to associate your content with something your market is desperately searching for. And as any marketer will tell you, the title - or headline - must capture people's attention, or they will not read your article.

Top tip for compelling titles

Here's a cool tip on how to create more compelling content titles. Do a Google search for the most successful marketing headlines - several sites list them. Now incorporate your keyword phrase into the title you like best.

For example, a classic marketing headline is 'They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play .." You could use this with your keyword 'content marketing' as follows: 'They laughed when I sat down at the computer keyboard to do content marketing, but when I showed them the cheques .."

Step No. 3: Create a Profitable Call to Action

What is the step?

This step is to create a call to action at the end of your content. It's simple.

Why is it important?

So many people create their content then throw away the advantage they had as they don't ask for what they want. You must have a call to action at the end of your content. You must tell people explicitly what action you want them to take next, step by step.

What's the tip for this step?

Write out what you want your content readers to do. Make it concise and make it compelling. Read it back to ensure it's clear. Remove anything that's extraneous. You want a simple command to perform your desired action. And let them know the benefit they'll gain.

Your Next Steps To Content Marketing Success

Now that you've got the steps for Content Marketing success down, I'd like to invite you to take the next steps with free access to my Online Training 'Content On Steroids'.

Look, you're a blog owner who wants to create all the content you want, aren't you? This might be articles, blog posts, videos, presentations - you name it. And you don't want to worry about not knowing where to start. Then my Online Training "Content On Steroids" will help you to banish writer's block forever. The software generates unlimited ideas for killer content you can create in a flash... AND Make your blog come alive with your unique blog posts!

Allow me to show you how, step by step, on my FREE online training.
Click Here For More:



Blog Content Best Practices For WordPress

blog content best practicesWhat are blog content best practices? Have you got a blog that's bereft of content? Does it look great but there are no recent blog posts?

Want to change all that?

I've talked to many people who have blog sites. Those who regularly publish blog posts and those that don't.

The difference is striking. The ones who have blank blogs do not have a system or process for creating quality content.

Let me repeat that. Those with no content on their blogs do not have a process for creating quality content. So their blogs remain empty, and they have no visitors. No visitors, no leads and no sales.

I'm on a mission to change all that.

What Should You Do Instead?

The message is clear. In order to supply your audience with content that they want regularly, you need a process to produce unique, quality content. That way you have a step by step way to create all the content you need.

Fortunately, it's not that hard. You just need to have a robust process and you need to follow it!

Blog Content Best Practices

OK, so you need a process that you can follow. But that process needs to be well designed so that will produce quality content without fail. Ad-hoc will not do if you need to replicate the results over and over again.

So is there a place you can get a robust, reliable process for creating blog content that you can use over and over again?

Content On Steroids - Free Online Training

If you're suffering from not having enough blog posts - or your last blog post was months ago, I have a free online training that will change all that for you.

This free online training covers:

1. Why you need unique, quality content.
2. How to create content - fast!
3. A demo of a content creation tool - I use it myself.
4. Bonus: How To Create a Quick Kindle Book!

Just click for instant access to this online training:


I Get Interviewed!


I'm normally on the other end of the microphone, but this time I've been interviewed by Judy Rees, who specialises in collaboration and the use of metaphor.

In our interview Judy explores how I collaborate with my clients to ensure they get what they need. You'll find the podcast audio itself together with a full transcript.

Please feel free to share on social media using the buttons below.

Check it out here: Alun Interview


The Three Mistakes People Inadvertently Make With Their Blogs

blogging for profitDo you know the three killer mistakes that people inadvertently make with their blogs? The mistakes that virtually guarantee they will not get attention, traffic and sales?

If you’re an aspiring WordPress blogger who wants to know how to make your blog attractive to your market, then read this article to take your WordPress blogging skills to the next level.

Mistake No.1 - Not Creating Any Content!

What Do I Mean By This?

This one's pretty obvious. I see so many people who have a website, then have let it stagnate. They have a blog and may even have a few articles. But they've not kept it updated. The last blog post is over a year ago. It's gone out of date. It's not attractive to people, and so people no longer visit.

Why Is This Important?

People value what you can do if you can explain what their problems are and how to get over them. Your ability to do this will determine how successful you are.

Your content is key. And the best place for your content is on your blog. So your biggest mistake - by far  - is not regularly creating content that inspires, informs and educates people.

What To Do Instead

You need to evolve a way of regularly creating content that suits you. Regularly producing quality blog articles are one way to do this. This means creating useful content that is published at least weekly.

There are several ways of creating content as well as the traditional way of creating text articles typing them out. You can  dictate them and get them transcribed. As you can (probably) talk at least five times as fast as you can type, this is a very time effective way of creating content. You can also use PLR as a very rapid means of creating content.

Mistake No.2 - Not SEOing The Content

What Do I Mean By This?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of optimising how you content appears to the major seach engines like Google and Bing. It involves ensuring that highly searched for terms - keyword strings - for your topic are found in the right places in your blog articles.

Why Is This Important?

I'm going to assume there's a call for your content, otherwise this section is a waste of time. So I'm assuming there is a demand - that people are crying out for your unique content. There is? Good. You now have to ensure that your content gets into the hands of the people who need it.

What To Do Instead

This means having your content easily found by the search engines. This involves undertaking Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) on your content. You may elect to outsource this task, or you may undertake it yourself.

What? I hear you say? Do my own SEO? Yes, and with the new SEO plugins available, this is easier than ever before.

Mistake No.3 - Not Having Marketing Structures in Place

What Do I Mean By This?

Some people have great content and it's even indexed by the search engines, but then miss out on getting their motivated readers to take the next step.

Why Is This Important?

This is the most costly mistake, as all the work you've done in creating content and carrying out SEO is wasted! Think about why you created the content in the first place. Yes, it may have been to inform, educate or amuse, but ideally it should be a stepping stone to getting more business.

What To Do Instead

You need to have a compelling call to action, and your motivated  readers but be able to see and read this call to action. It must be in line with your blog article and must take them further.

Your call to action may be to book on an online training, to opt into an email list on a landing page or perhaps to buy your book. It must be a specific action that is in line with your article, and one that builds your business. This may be via getting more prospect leads or getting income from products or services  you provide.

Summary of WordPress Blogging Mistakes

As you reflect on these mistakes - not creating content, not SEOing the content, not having marketing structures in place - consider which, if any, of these mistakes you are making. And now that you know the top three WordPress blogging mistakes, I’d like to invite you to take your next success steps with free instant access to my free “Blogging For Profit Online Training.”

If you’re a WordPress site owner who wants to make your blog the go-to site in your market, then my free “Blogging For Profit Online Training” will do that. I will show you how to get over these three killer mistakes quicker than you may believe. Join me.

Click Here now to reserve your place: