Archive for July, 2017

Writing Your First Book – The Three Biggest Secrets

writing your first bookAre you considering writing your first book? Have you always wanted to do it? But have you not yet really got down to it?

How long, in fact, does it take when you're writing your first book? It took best-selling author Raymond Aaron four years to write his first one, then two years to write the second.

When you hear that, do you groan inside? Do all your hopes of writing your book fly out of the window?

And honestly, do you have that kind of time? No, of course you don't! Nobody does.

And really, it does not need to take that long. You see, if you publish on Amazon's Kindle, your ebook doesn't have to be 50,000 or more words. It doesn't have to be War And Peace. It can be 10,000 words or even shorter. And many ebooks on Amazon are much shorter.

Here's the first secret to publishing on Kindle.

Success Secret No.1: Write a Short Book!

Write a short book, focused on just one problem. One problem with ONE solution. The best solution. No padding, just the facts.

That way, you're really serving your market. You deliver what they need. So write a book of 10,000 words or less. You can write that fast, and Amazon's Kindle publishing system can make it available quickly, AND you get 70% of the royalties.

If you have material left over, create another book on Kindle. That way Amazon will promote you more. That's one of the success secrets that best-selling author John Locke believes contributes to his success.

Success Secret No.2: Research & Planning

So now you're probably thinking "Well, where do I start?" For a non-fiction book, I'm assuming that you'll write it from your unique experience. Probably based on years of perfecting a skill - and it's one that you can share with others.

If that's true, start with your target market, and decide what it is they want to know. Then create your title and subtitle based on the topic your book will cover. A few minutes of research on looking at the best-sellers in your topic area will help you.

Once you have your topic, title and subtitle, you'll be ready to start planning.

The second advantage of a short book is the time you take planning is much reduced. So you can get writing so much faster.

Success Secret No.3: The Next Steps

Once you have your topic, your title and subtitle, what's next?

Well, how would it be if you were to create a book just by talking to me for an hour? I'll ask you agreed questions, and you'll answer them. I record it, and get it transcribed and formatted. Then I'll submit it to Amazon's Kindle for you.

Yes, it can really be that simple. Just an hour of your time, and in a few days, you'll be a published author on Kindle.

Writing Your First Book With Me - What Do You Get?

For just an hour of your time, I'll record, transcribe, format and edit your Kindle Book.

If you supply a cover (you get get a great one at Fiverr), I'll then submit your ebook to Kindle.

All for $347

Just click here now:

Once you pay via that link, I'll be in touch with you to arrange our interview session!

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WordPress Security Audit Check – Is Your WordPress Site Under Threat?

wordpress security audit check








WordPress Security Audit Check - Is Your Website Safe?

Why would you need a WordPress security audit check? Are you sure you have adequately protected your site against hackers? Or, as so many are finding, has it already compromised by hackers?

The trouble is, you might not know. You may be totally unaware that hackers are using your site to send out spam emails. And Google may blacklist your site. Or even worse - your hoster may well take take your site offline completely.

The fact is that it happens, and it's happening more and more regularly.

What Would This Mean to Your Business?

Would you still be able to trade? Maybe, but what about the reputational risk when your site redirects to a porn site?

And how much will this cost to put right - assuming your site can be restored and cleaned?

If you want to avoid the loss of business and damage to your reputation, you need a WordPress Security Audit Check.

WordPress Security Audit Check

But where do you start? Engaging a security consultant can be costly if you don't know what you're faced with. How do you determine whether they're competent? What are realistic rates that you might pay? And, really, do you need one at all?

What Should You Do First?

The first thing is you must know whether you've been hacked, or are at risk of being hacked.

Here's where I come in. I provide WordPress security services for my clients. This started as a nice-to-have service, but, with the amount of hacking around, it is now essential that your site is protected.

I will scan your site for free and undertake a FREE audit that will let you know what steps you should take to harden your site against hackers. The scan and audit are totally free, and depending on the result, you will know whether there are any actions you should take. Contact me now here: 

or just click this graphic:

wordpress security check